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Customer Reviews
          • Nitin
      • This is the best website to find cheap hotel deals. Plus, when I had some issues with the check-in time to my hotel room, I called the support team, and they quickly responded and resolved the issue. They even upgraded my room. So thank you, ReservationsDeal.

          • Pooja Sethi
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          • William Smith
      • I am not an online shopping person, and I usually purchase my flight tickets from the airport, but the online ticket purchasing process was really easy and straightforward.

          • Sapna Mukherjee
      • I had an issue with my car rental service, and hence the agency offered free cancellation, so I did it, but it was not confirmed. I contacted the support team of ReservationsDeal, and Daniel listened to my query and asked me to wait for a bit. It hardly took him 5 minutes to resolve the issue. ReservationsDeal Customer Service was fast, efficient, and easy to deal with.

          • Mary
      • So I purchased a flight ticket with this website for their easy cancellation offer thus, I was unsure about my departure date. So I applied for cancellation and was unable to do so. So I emailed the support team, and it took them half an hour to revert. They had completed the task on my behalf, so hats off to customer support. I would continue to use ReservationsDeal for all my travel needs knowing they stand by their offers.

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