What would be the most suitable time to make hotel reservations to get the best deals?
It is best to make reservations 2-3 months in advance, especially during vacations or peak seasons. Some hotels offer last-minute deals, but availability may be limited.
Can I search hotels on the basis of amenities like Wifi, pools, or pet-friendly property options?
After searching, use a filter to narrow down results according to your requirements. Further you can look over the hotels with all the amenities you need.
How can I search hotels in a particular location?
Go to the search option, enter your destination city, select check-in and check-out dates, then you can see all the available options of that particular location.
What are the cancellation policies, are there any refunds?
All cancellation policies vary from hotels and rooms you paid for. You can go through the cancellation policy of the respective hotels while making reservations. There are certain hotels who provide refunds within a limited time frame and there are some hotels that do not provide a full refund.
Will there be any additional charges or taxes apart from room reservations prices?
Taxes and charges may vary within hotels. All the charges, including any taxes and additional charges will be visible to you before finalizing your booking.
What are the payment options through which I can make reservations?
Researvationsdeal.com majorly accepts card payments. Whereas the payment options may be different on the basis of respective hotels.
How can I book multiple rooms for the same date?
When you search, choose the number of rooms and guests you need to make reservations for, then you will find all the available options on your screen. Afterwards you can make reservations according to your requirements. In case of any query contact our support team.
Can I make changes in my reservation details after booking?
Many times the reservations are subject to modifications. It depends on the hotel’s policies to change details such as room types, check-in, check-out time, date, contact details etc.