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Airports Flying from Brazil
Afonso Pena International (CWB)
Alta Floresta (AFL)
Altamira (ATM)
Aracatuba (ARU)
Araguaina (AUX)
Araxa (AAX)
Augusto Severo International (NAT)
Barra do Garcas (BPG)
Barreiras (BRA)
Bartolomeu Lysandro (CAW)
Bauru-Arealva (JTC)
Belo Horizonte/Pampulha Carlos Drummond de Andrade (PLU)
Boa Vista International (BVB)
Bonito (BYO)
Brasilia International (BSB)
Cabo Frio International (CFB)
Cacoal (OAL)
Caldas Novas (CLV)
Campina Grande (CPV)
Campo dos Bugres (CXJ)
Campo Grande International (CGR)
Carajas (CKS)
Cascavel (CAC)
Chapeco (XAP)
Corumba International (CMG)
Other Popular Airline Flying from Brazil

Bringer Air Cargo (E6)

Nordeste-Linhas Aereas Regionais (JH)

TAM Linhas Aereas (JJ)

ABSA Cargo Airline (M3)

Interbrasil Star (Q9)

VARIG Brazilian Airlines (RG)


Rio-Sul Servicos Aereos Regionais SA (SL)